E-commerce packaging - Volmar Packaging

The e-commerce sector is constantly growing and packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring that products reach the customer safely and in excellent condition. When it comes to food products, the matter is even more delicate as there are issues like freshness, product quality and more generally the buying experience for the end consumer.

The importance of packaging for an e-commerce business

Packaging is the first form of contact between the customer and the product. Online, the customer can’t touch the product directly or examine it closely so the packaging must convey a range of information.

Well-designed packaging can increase the perceived value of the product and the customer’s trust in the brand.

As well as being aesthetically important, packaging must also protect the product during transport and ensure its freshness and quality. That’s why good packaging must be robust and resistant.

Packaging for e-commerce: rules for food products

Food products are subject to strict regulations on safety and labeling.
In particular, the regulatory framework for Materials and Objects in Contact with Food (MOCA) establishes that packaging must not pose any risk to health or affect the quality and freshness of foods. Additionally, compliant packaging must have:

  • Clear labeling: a food product label must be understandable, complete and include basic information like the expiry date, ingredients, nutritional information and allergens;
  • Hygienic packaging: packaging for food products must be hygienic and resistant to possible external contamination; it must also be sealed to keep the products fresh and safe;
  • Transport-proof packaging: boxes or containers must be designed to withstand transport and protect products from impact or extreme temperatures.

How to guarantee the freshness and quality of shipped products

In order to guarantee that the freshness of food products is preserved during shipping, it is important to choose a robust type of packaging and take some key practices into consideration:

  • Thermal insulation: for products that require controlled temperatures, like frozen or refrigerated foods, insulating materials must be used to maintain a constant temperature during transport;
  • Vacuum packaging: vacuum packaging can help preserving the freshness of foods like meat and fish, reducing oxidation and microbial growth;
  • Suitable packaging materials: using packaging materials suitable for the type of food, such as vacuum bags, hermetic containers or boxes with dividers for delicate foods.

As discussed, packaging plays a crucial role in the transport and sale of a product. It must also be attractive, informative and, above all, guarantee the safety and quality of the product, so it’s important to always work with food packaging professionals. Volmar Packaging has specialized in the production of professional packaging for food products for almost 20 years.

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